اصدرت شركة ميكروتيك بتاريخ 29/12/2014
نسخة الميكروتيك 6.24 للروتر بورد والكمبيوتر
CRS series, RB4xx series, RB7xx series, RB9xx series, RB2011 series, SXT, OmniTik, Groove, METAL, SEXTANT
التحميل.... DOWNLOAD
PC / X86, RB230 series
التحميل.. DOWNLOAD
RB3xx series, RB600 series, RB800 series, RB1xxx series
التحميل.. DOWNLOAD
RB1xx series, RB5xx series, RB Crossroads
CCR series
What's new in 6.24 (2014-Dec-23 13:38):
*) ntp - fixed vulnerabilities;
*) ntp - fixed vulnerabilities;
*) web proxy - fix problem when dscp was not set when ipv6 was enabled;
*) fixed problem where some of ethernet cards do not work on x86;
*) improved CCR ethernet driver (less dropped packets);
*) improved queue tree parent=global performance (especially on SMP systems and CCRs);
*) eoip/eoipv6/gre/gre6/ipip/ipipv6/6to4 tunnels have improved per core balancing on CCRs;
*) fixed tx for 6to4 tunnels with unspecified dst address;
*) fixed vrrp - could sometimes not work properly because of advertising bad set of ip addresses;
تحياتى لكم
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